A Fugitive Papers Event at Nuns Island Theatre / Michelle Browne (DAI, 2015), Sarah Browne, Maria Kerin a.o. / as part of Tulca Festival of Visual art

| tag: Galway

Michelle Browne, Sarah Browne, Maria Kerin, Alice Lyons, Christine Mackey, Deirdre O'Mahony, Ailbhe Murphy, Judith Stewart Ciaran Smyth and Seoidín O'Sullivan.

Saturday November 23rd, 2pm – 6pm
Nuns Island Theatre, 23 Nuns' Island, Galway

Since the turn of the century, Ireland has seen a surge of art practices alternatively termed community-based, littoral, contextual, social, dialogic, collaborative, research and/or time-based. Often overlapping, these practices share a common emphasis on process. However, this growing number of practices are inadequately represented in the forms of visibility available to artists: gallery exhibitions, collections and critical reception, with their routine leaning towards the individual producer of objects. In turn, these double up as criteria of selection in the reputational economy of the arts, which accentuates the exclusion.

On Saturday the 23rd of November, in parallel to the publication of Fugitive Paper # 5, for which seven artists were invited to reflect on the condition and theory of their practices, Fugitive Papers will hold a discussion in Nuns Island Theatre as part of Tulca Festival of Visual Art. This event proposes to open up the discussion by inviting curators, commissioners and publics to join the participating artists: biographies here

The discussion will be followed by the launch of Fugitive Papers # 5 at 5pm.
