Decide Your Destiny / August 22nd / a collective game event by David Maroto (DAI, 2013) / for the International Performance Art Association (IPA) in Istanbul
Location: Mixer, Tomtom Mahallesi, Boğazkesen Caddesi, No:45, Tophane, Istanbul
This is a game for a maximum of 75 players. It is based on the reading of David Maroto's gamebook called The South Highway. Its main characteristic is that it is written in the second person. The protagonist is not referred to as "he" or "she," but as "you." You, the reader, are the one to choose the course of the narrative. The book is divided into 75 sections. At the end of each section you will be given a number of options to continue the story. Depending on your choice, you will jump to one section or another. The narrative changes according to your decisions on the path to follow, the actions to carry out, and the answers to give to other characters.
In Decide Your Destiny, a Reader reads The South Highway out loud. The audience votes the direction to follow in the narrative. Thus, the fate of the protagonist, even his survival, is a matter of collective responsibility.