NEST: Tangible Time / David Claerbout, Julien Grossmann (DAI, 2008), Katja Mater a.o./ Guest curator: Danielle van Zuijlen

| tag: The Hague

Tangible Time
Opening, Saturday October 22nd 2011, 16.00 hours
Exhibition, October 23 - November 20 2011

David Claerbout
Nathalie De Briey
Robbrecht Desmet
Victoria Fu
Julien Grossmann
Katja Mater
Alexandra Navratil
Noor Nuyten
Magdalena Pilko
Petra Stavast
Joe Winter

Tangible Time brings artists together who work with the concept of time and make it tangible in a visual manner. The exhibited works go past the physical definition of time: time is streched, piled, fragmented, reconstructed or shown in relation to distance. Guest curator: Danielle van Zuijlen.
Film Programme, Sunday October 30 , 14.00 hours

For the occasion of Tangible Time Filmhuis Den Haag is showing five short films by Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster. A unique chance to see the work of this French artist in the cinema. With an introduction by Danielle van Zuijlen. Entrance €5,- / duration 85 min.

De Constant Rebecqueplein 20b
2518 RA Den Haag
The Netherlands