Salvo - this photo will kill you / Anne Geene, Arjan de Nooy, David de Jong, Sander Uitdehaag (DAI, 2012) / launch at Het Nutshuis

| tag: The Hague

Presentation of new magazine
On 17 February 2013 during the Fotoboek! photo event in Het Nutshuis in The Hague, Salvo will launch the first edition of a brand new periodical for photography. Salvo consists of Anne Geene, Arjan de Nooy, David de Jong, Sander Uitdehaag and Vincent van Baar. Together, they produce, share and interpret photography. Their aim is to produce a publication three times a year, which will vary in lay-out and number of copies in line with the chosen theme.
This particular edition features photos and text inspired by a theme they devised themselves. It is entitled: van deze foto ga je dood [this photo will kill you].
400 copies of this 80-page paperback will be published and on sale for €15.

Het Nutshuis
Riviervismarkt 5
2513 AM Den Haag