Bijlmer Blooms / a participatory project by Teresa Borasino (DAI, 2005) / commisioned by Centrum Beeldende Kunst Zuidoost

| tag: Amsterdam

Bijlmer Blooms


On Friday, 19 October Bijlmer Blooms was completed. It will only bloom until Thursday, 25 October.

Two hundred flower boxes hang on the balconies of the last original 'honeycomb' building in the Bijlmer, Kleiburg.

Bijlmer, a neighbourhood in Amsterdam Zuidoost was built in the 60's as a model housing estate. Currently, Bijlmer is going through a large urban renewal, many of the high-rise buildings laid out in a hexagonal grid (most known as the 'honeycomb' buildings) have been renovated or torn down. Kleiburg is the last original building that has not gone through renovation yet. The building is empty and completely decayed. Its renovation awaits in 2013.

Bijlmer Blooms is a participatory project that started at the beginning of September. Many neighbours have contributed to the project by filling, hanging or watering the flower boxes. It is a tribute to the original and the current Bijlmer.

Don't miss it. The flowers hang on the most northern block of Kleiburg.

This project is commissioned by Centrum Beeldende Kunst Zuidoost.
