Nick Aikens
Nick Aikens has been a tutor at the DAI Art Praxis since 2013. He is currently research curator at the Van Abbemuseum (since 2012) and a PhD candidate at Valand Art Academy, University of Gothenburg. Recent and ongoing projects have focused on the 1980s and specifically the UK Black Arts Movement, and a retrospective / monograph on Rasheed Araeen (2017-19). He leads the current research programme Deviant Practice at the Van Abbe. He is a Research Affiliate, CCC at the Visual Arts Department, HEAD, Geneva (since 2016) and a member of the editorial board for L’Internationale Online (since 2013). He was also recently a tutor at the Design Academy Eindhoven (2015-17).
Nick Aikens at DAI:
AGENCY - Everyday Practice and Global Power.
Practicing Deviance: Methods for Art and Curating
Practicing with Institutions, Instituting Practice l