2008 ~ DAI presents an interactive archive of the project Here as the Centre of the World at the KUNSTVLAAI

 "There is a huge green cabinet with little drawers and doors. These can be opened and give a view on an archive of projects that have taken place in Beirut, Taipei, Damascus, Diyarbakir, Enschede and Khartoum.

In 2006 an international collaboration project was initiated by the Dutch Art Institute in Enschede. It started when D.A.I. was asked by artists from Damascus and Khartoum whether it could help to create ways for collaboration and dialogue on the subject of art in the public domain. What has been developed since then is an international collaboration network. In each city public space was the dedicated 'stage' for the dialogue on and production of work. The workshops consist of D.A.I. artists and local (or neighbour countries') artists. By now 75 artists from 25 countries have participated. Anna Korteweg graduating D.A.I. artist; "it is an ongoing process. It is not really about a result or the object produced. It has rather resulted in more questions". The project is about sharing questions, knowledge and interaction. The results – textual reports, small art works and photo's – can be seen in this cabinet-archive presented at the Kunstvlaai. Also can this archive be seen as a pre-book because it consists of all the raw material that will be part of a book that will be published this summer with Archis Publishers. The archive is for sharing knowledge, so in line with that visitors can make copies - there is a copy-machine next to the archive – and take extracts with them. (IR for Kunstvlaai - publication)"

Read more about the publication Here as the Centre of The World 












