Some DAI alumni may be interested to know that State of Fashion is launching an Open Call for Curators for its 2026 Biennale, taking place in Arnhem, The Netherlands. The open call looks for visionary thinkers and makers with an outspoken view on the challenges the world faces at the moment, the necessity for fundamental change, and the role that fashion has in the ability to transform and reframe social and cultural contexts. The question asked of applicants: how can fashion & textile contribute to a better world?

| tag: Arnhem

Open Call for Curators

For their fourth edition, State of Fashion asks prospective curators to build upon the main outcomes from their previous editions. State of Fashion's goal is to focus on collaborative and collective action, where the global is connected to the local. The curators are urged to respond to the themes from an intersectional approach.

State of Fashion invite the new curators to ….

→ unpack the politics of dress

→ forge community

→ honour unseen labour(s)

→ move beyond the binary

→ amplify voices from the global majority

More information and application form


19 January 2025
Deadline for submitting applications.

19 January – 19 March 2025
Selection Procedure.
State of Fashion will inform the participants about the pre-selection by 28 February 2025

10 – 14 March 2025
Prospective dates for
Interviews selected candidates.

April 2025
Announcement curatorial team 2026.

June 2025
Launch event theme Biennale 2026.

May / June 2026
State of Fashion Biennale 2026.