2024-2025 FROM CONFLUENCE TO CONFLUENCE ~ Amit Rai's seminar: How to do things with Attention?

SEMINAR 1: DECEMBER 7 & 8 2024

[Suggested background reading: Benjamin, W (1938) The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction]

Day 1:

Marx, Fragment on Machines, from the Gründrisse (1858) in The Accelerationist Reader

Chapter 7: Fragment on Machines in Pitts FH (2017) Critiquing capitalism today. London: Springer.

Day 2:

Pedersen, M.A., Albris, K. and Seaver, N., 2021. The political economy of attention. Annual Review of Anthropology, 50(1): 309-325.

Texts we will refer to / read passages from in class (not necessary to read in advance): 

Franz Fanon, The Wretched of the Earth 

Saidiya Hartman, Wayward Lives, Beautiful Experiments: Intimate Histories of Social Upheaval

Gleeson J J and O’Rourke E (2021) Introduction to Transgender Marxism. London: Pluto Press. 

Selections from Valeria Graziano, Pirate Care (forthcoming)

Selections from Lotz C (2016) The capitalist schema

To screen Day 1:

The Battle of Algiers (1966)

To screen Day 2:

Handsworth Song (1986)



