COOP ~ Curating Positions: Voz de Tierra from Day to Day
Seminar 2: 14 - 17 January 2025
We will be working with voice exercises with artist Itziar Okariz. We will depart from a presentation by her own practice and then we will take some works of her and offer them as exercises. Some of these exercises will be propsed for interior spaces and we will use microphone for them. Others (for example around the work Irrintzi a Basque shout) will be executed outside and we will be learning how to offer one of these shouts into the landscape. We would connect these exercises with previous shared readings like Quantum listening by Pauline Oliveiros, but also with other artistic concerns proper to Okariz’s practice.
We will also work with our dreams (taking into guidance another work of Itziar on dreams). We would like to concentrate on working with the voice Tuesday and Friday in order to develop a collective practice and experimental approach to the idea behind the title of our Coop. Voz de tierra (Land’s voice). This idea connects to paralanguage practices and a conception of voice beyond human demarcations.
We will watch tAxut by Basque Filmmaker Jose Maria Zabala thanks to the permission of the author himself and the Basque Film Archive (Euskadiko Filmategia/Filmoteca Vasca).
Everyday we will start with a Prana Yoga class that will be led by Itziar Okariz.
Tuesday 14th January
10.00-10.30: Prana Yoga class led by Itziar Okariz
10.30-13.00: Presentation by Itziar Okariz
15.00-19.00: Voices exercises for an interior space led by Itziar Okariz
20.00: Film screening and discussion
Wednesday 15th January
10.00-10.30: Prana Yoga class led by Itziar Okariz
10.30-11-30: Brief introduction by Leire Vergara and Itziar Okariz
11.30-12.30: Student-led 1
12.30-13.00: Discussion
15.00-16.00: Student-led 2
16.00-16.30: Discussion
16.30-17.30: Student-led 3
17.30-18.00: Discussion
18.00-19.00: Student-led 4
20.00-22.00: Discussion
Thursday 16th January
10.00-10.30: Prana Yoga class led by Itziar Okariz
10.30-13.00: Voices exercises for an exterior space led by Itziar Okariz
15.00-19.00: Reading session with Marwa Arsanios (online)
20.00: Film screening and discussion
Friday 17th January
10.00-10.30: Prana Yoga class led by Itziar Okariz
10.30-13.00: Voices exercises for an exterior space led by Itziar Okariz continues
15.00-18.00: Voices exercises for an interior space led by Itziar Okariz continues
Seminar 1: 10 - 12 December 2024
Tuesday 10th
Morning: Presentations Leire Vergara, Marwa Arsanios, Leon Filter
Afternoon: Presentations of practices: all participants are asked to present their work in a 20 minutes presentation.
Evening: Film screening and discussion
Wednesday 11th
Morning: Walk
Afternoon: Continuation of presentations, practicalities and logistics
Evening: Conversation on working together
Thursday 12th
Morning: Writing exercise: we will delve into a collective writing exercise that departs from our film screening and discussion on Tuesday, and will attempt to formulate a possible address to a particular piece of land.
Afternoon: Filming workshop: we will attempt to translate what comes out of our writing exercises into filmed time-based material.
Evening: Wrap-up
Reading List
Reading the Dead: A Black Feminist Poethical Reading of Global Capital
Further Readings
The Militant Image: A Ciné‐Geography
Excerpt from Wood, David Michael John: Revolution and pachakuti : political and indigenous cinema in Bolivia and Colombia. PhD thesis, King's College, University of London, 2005. 189–206.