Astrée Duval ~ M@tRixVibeZ.neT
Astrée Duval's "M@tRixVibeZ.neT" was presented before live audience at Centrale Fies, Dro, Italy on August 2, 2024 as one of 38 AEROPONIC ACTS of CHAMELEON ORBIT curated by Elisa Giuliani & Giulia Crispiani.
Here you will find the documentation of Astrée Duval's presentation as filmed by Baha Görkem Yalım. The written report is by Bethany Crawford and it includes a summary of the comments by esteemed guest respondents.
Astrée Duval's question: Who is Astrée Duval? A gay prophet? A techno goddess? What mythology for tribal consciousness? Areeeuhhbleaarrhglublublububllubububurhghggfff. How to pull an eclipse?
Astrée's introduction: A piece about simulation delirium, deity complex, and main character syndrome, on a backdrop of liberalism and techno.