Astrée Duval ~ M@tRixVibeZ.neT

Astrée Duval's "M@tRixVibeZ.neT" was presented before live audience at Centrale Fies, Dro, Italy on August 2, 2024 as one of 38 AEROPONIC ACTS of CHAMELEON ORBIT curated by Elisa Giuliani Giulia Crispiani.

Here you will find the documentation of Astrée Duval's presentation as filmed by Baha Görkem Yalım. The written report is by Bethany Crawford and it includes a summary of the comments by esteemed guest respondents.


Astrée Duval's question: Who is Astrée Duval? A gay prophet? A techno goddess? What mythology for tribal consciousness? Areeeuhhbleaarrhglublublububllubububurhghggfff. How to pull an eclipse?  

Astrée's introduction: A piece about simulation delirium, deity complex, and main character syndrome, on a backdrop of liberalism and techno.


AEROPONIC ACTS 2024 ~ Chameleon Orbit

About Astrée Duval