Our online application form has two parts and should always be completed in English 

The first part takes just a minute to fill in. You'll then receive an e-mail containing a unique link that will allow you to access the second part of our application.

In the second part, you'll be asked to respond to a few questions about your art/curatorial/writing/research practice and reflect on what the space of art and research can offer under current conditions. You'll be able to work on this second part online, save your work as you go, make changes, and take as much time as you need before choosing to submit your answers. 

You’ll need to get several items together. Directions on how to upload these are detailed in the actual application form.

Please note that at the first stage of the application we are never asking you to upload any copies of your official paper work such as your passport and BA or MA certificates. Should you be accepted into our program, ArtEZ, the overriding University of the Arts, will ask you for all relevant documents, and they will check the validity of your highest obtained diploma /certificate.  

Here's an overview of what DAI needs from you as part of your Application:

  • A portfolio containing relevant information (including visual and/or textual and/or aural documentation) regarding your most relevant, recent projects. We are particularly interested in the developments in your work and research over the past two years. Older work which you feel may provide us with crucial insight into your process may of course be added. Please be sure to include precise information for each entry: what are we looking at/listening to, what are we reading? Be it individual work or group work or a curatorial project, always make sure to mention the names of all maker(s),writer(s), researcher(s).
    Please mention the title, technique/material, duration, dimensions, and year of production, exhibition or release (as applicable). It is important for us to understand your specific role in and relation to the projects we are reviewing. 

Should you wish to share video documentation of a performance, a link to a film, video or sound piece, and/or scans of a publication (on your website, Vimeo, YouTube or the like), we advise you to embed relevant links in your PDF and to frame each work with a short description.

Please do not use a link which expires or (re)move files as several members of the Admissions Committee may need to view your work at different times during the admissions process. And please do not send files via WeTransfer, Dropbox or other FTP services. Also, we do not accept any materials sent to us via the postal system.


  • Your CV including details of your formal training as well as professional activities thus far
  • A Financial Plan: the application form will provide you with a questionnaire. Please prepare yourself by reading our section on Finance.
  • Letter(s) of Recommendation: minimum of one, maximum of three letters in English ~ from relevant colleagues, tutors, professors, curators, etc. Make sure your recommenders will include their contact details!  At DAI we do not consider Letters of Recommendation to be just an academic formality: we love to read informed and personal observations. 
  • Your favorite photo of yourself

Your materials will only be accepted if complete and send in together with the APPLICATION FORM to be published here from January 2025 onward.