Raphael Daibert (DAI, 2020) shares: "Today, sexual and racial violence remains a constitutive element of this necropolitical age, and experiences of trauma and pain are ubiquitous. According to Catharine Malabou, violence has become "the natural disaster of contemporary politics. Mass traumatization has made "the absence of meaning" a collective experience, and its formal indistinguishability makes it increasingly difficult to derive "political meaning" (Malabou 2012). This entails the problematic status of healing, as it inevitably reinforces a normative horizon of health and sovereignty that omits or obscures the experiences of meaninglessness, incomprehensibility, and hopelessness that violence regularly entails. Inside Wounds brings together recent artistic proposals that register and testify to wounds and trauma as sites of deferral, resistance, and failure to heal. This includes a critique of the progressive order of healing, in which the linear accumulation of time is assumed to have intrinsically restorative effects. The performance series emphasizes artistic forms that embrace the destabilizing effects of violence in a way that interrupts - on a formal level - its representation and - on a political level - its premature mobilization. Beyond a moralizing logic of punishing pain, what are the critical merits of wounds?" INSIDE WOUNDS ~ Performance Series at Kunstraum Leuphana ~ May 30 to June 19, 2024

| tag: Lüneburg

30.05.2024 – 30.05.2024 18 hrs

Júlia Ayerbe (w/ Dandara Catete)

05.06.2024 – 05.06.2024 18 hrs

Tanja Šljivar & Zuzana Žabková

12.06.2024 – 12.06.2024 18 hrs

Mavi Veloso

19.06.2024 – 19.06.2024 18 hrs

Carolina Mendonça & Lara Ferrari

This series is hosted by Kunstraum Leuphana and the DFG Research Training Group Cultures of Critique and is curated and organized by Raphael Daibert  and Christopher Weickenmeier.

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