2023 - 2024 Factory ~ Student Led: ANARCHICAL PRINCESS STORYTELLING

MAY 27, 2024

Led by Christelle Makris, Ariell Zéphyr, Chloë Janssens & Sara Alberani

When: 10:30 - 12:00

Location: Broedershoek (dinner location)

There is a difference between understanding, assimilating theory and in the end practicing activism.

This activity aims through storytelling, by spontaneously sharing personal failed or successful activism narratives, to address this difference through empirical evidence. 

We aim to offer our participants a fun group 'therapy'  through which we can empower ourselves to embrace and create potential perspectives to the existing gap between academia and activism.

Aside from storytelling, we will use a combination of somatic actions to create a collective channel of body and mind. 

To sum it up. What are our reflections on the matter through a collective stream of consciousness, storytelling and movement combined.


This student initiative is facilitated by DAI by making it part of the syllabus 2023-2024 and by providing space and time for gathering. It is embedded in the curriculum component WEAVER and participation is credited with ECTS.