DAI ~ WORLD express gratitude to each of you who is joining us in solidarity with the Palestinian people fighting for justice and freedom in protest against Israeli-perpetrated genocide. With great enthusiasm, we want to share a minor yet meaningful action by Richard Finlay Fletcher, an arts education professor at Ohio State University, that will take place on April 26 in Guernica, Spain. This year, on the anniversary of the tragic bombing of Guernica by Nazi Germany, the siren will be sounded in solidarity with Gaza. As many of you are aware, Guernica has been a site of significant protests involving the iconic imagery of Picasso's painting to express solidarity with the civilians facing bombardment in Gaza. On this day, Richard will distribute postcards featuring the artwork of Gazan artist Dina Mattar, who, along with her family, resides in a refugee camp in Gaza.

| tag: Guernica

With Dina's gracious permission, her artworks will be shared, and continue to be highlighted through the website https://bombersintobutterflies.com and Instagram account @bombersintobutterflies.

Let's stand together in solidarity and support Richard's noble endeavour!