2023 - 2024 Factory ~ Student Led: Band Rehearsal

APRIL 18, 2024

Led by Claudia Medeiros, Kıvanç Sert, Ian Nolan, Saverio Cantoni & Chloë Janssens

When: 14:30 - 15:30

Location: Conference room Palais de Congres

As some of you might know, inside the travelling DAI structure we, Kivanç, Saverio, Ian, Claudia and Chloe formed a band. This process happened quite organically. Now that new people have entered our Roaming Academy, we want to open up our practice to others who have an urge to make noise, tune in, and sound together.
In this student led we will experiment with the visual score as a conductor. Being guided by a visual score we try and open our internal world of feelings (all sorts!) while making an extended cloud of sound that hears itself.
You can bring any instrument you want, or just yourself. No experience needed, just a good amount of attention and focused ears.
Claudia, Kivanç, Ian, Saverio and Chloe


This student initiative is facilitated by DAI by making it part of the syllabus 2023-2024 and by providing space and time for gathering. It is embedded in the curriculum component WEAVER and participation is credited with ECTS.