Kathrin Streit

Dr. Kathrin Streit holds a positions as a Technical staff member at the Forest Resources and Management & the Stand Dynamics and Silviculture research program of the Swiss Federal Research Institute (WSL).

She manages a network of 57 common gardens over a broad environmental gradient in Switzerland. In those common gardens, she and the team test the climatic suitability of 18 tree species in the long-term. The network provides a unique infrastructure for scientists and practitioners. 

Streit joined WSL in September 2015 as coordinator for the Forest and Climate Change program, where she was intensively involved with implementation activities and products for forest practitioners.

Before joining WSL, she worked on the topic of organic carbon cycling; during her PhD at the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) on carbon cycling in an alpine tree-line ecosystem, during her postdoc at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) on carbon cycling at one of the deepest hydrothermal vents on the Atlantic floor.

In 2007, she graduated as a forest engineer at the ETH (Zurich).




Kathrin Streit @ DAI:

March 6, 2024 Dr. Kathrin Streit was a remote guest tutor for 2023-2024 COOP study group ~ FOREST IS LONG-TERM