4. Weaver: formal framework

A) WEAVER reports:

Directly following a regular DAI Confluence each student hands in ( to the Weaver team)  a report of minimum 350 words – maximum 1000 words in which they are asked to introspectively reflect on their participation and learning goals during that week.

Ideally the texts glue together self-evaluation and a student's DAI Week log, notebook or diary

ECTS first year: 5                                          

140 hours

ECTS second year: 4                                     

112 hours

Self-study with task

Testing: formative.

Pass or fail - to be accredited by the Weaver Team on an annual basis. 

B) Factory 2.0

Embedded in the time frame of Factory 2.0, student led activities encompass all group initiatives and undertakings organized by the student body. Each DAI Confluence and during the indicated time slots, DAI’s on-site facilities open up to enable the gatherings of student-organized groups.

ECTS first year: 3

Self study: 28 hours

Contact: 56 hours

ECTS second year: 4

Self-study: 56 hours

Contact hours: 56 hours

Testing: formative.

Pass or fail - to be accredited by the Weaver Team on an annual basis. 

C) Roaming Assembly

Annual Public Seminar: exploring specific themes and topics of contemporary relevance to the thinking of art in the world today.

ECTS first year: 1

Contact: 28 hours

ECTS second year: 0.5

Contact hours: 14 hours

Testing: formative.

Pass or fail - to be accredited by the Weaver Team on an annual basis. 

D) Alumni Embassy & LIFE AFTER DAI (2nd year only):

Testing: formative.

Pass or fail - to be accredited by the Weaver Team on an annual basis. 

ECTS second year: 1