SIGN THE PETITION TO STOP SYRIAN WAR CRIMINAL ASSAD ATTENDING THE COP 28 CLIMATE CONFERENCE !!! To the United Arab Emirates, host of COP 28, and all member states of the United Nations ~ Brutal dictator Bashar al-Assad must be held to account for crimes against humanity, not given a platform to greenwash the Syrian regime’s atrocities at the world’s climate conference ~ his first international conference since 2011 ~ Inviting Assad sends a clear message to all war criminals that impunity is the rule of law. We call on the host of COP 28, the United Arab Emirates, to uninvite Assad and we urge all UN member states to oppose the Syrian regime attending COP.

Dear friends,

There’s just one month until the world’s climate conference this November, but instead of protecting humanity, the host of COP 28 the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has invited Syrian war criminal Bashar al-Assad to the talks.

Far from holding Assad to account, world leaders are providing the ideal opportunity for him to greenwash his crimes against humanity at his first international conference since 2011. If Assad does make it to the UN climate talks, every handshake and photo opp will be a grave betrayal of victims of atrocities in Syria.

The UAE has several high-profile investments in UK football teams, sponsored by its airlines Etihad and Emirates. It cares what fans and its airline customers think. Together, we can show that we won’t stand for the UAE giving a war criminal a platform this month.

Join me and sign the petition demanding that Assad is uninvited from COP:

To suggest Assad is interested in climate and protecting the planet is ludicrous. Over the past decade, he has besieged and bombed entire towns and cities, littered Syria’s landscape with shrapnel, displaced millions of people from their land, and deliberately burnt farmers’ fields to starve the Syrian people.

Help us protect this beautiful planet of ours. Do not let these historic climate negotiations be used as a stamp of approval for crimes against humanity. Sign the petition to uninvite Syrian war criminal Assad from the COP climate conference:

Thank you for taking action,

The team at The Syria Campaign