Malina Suleiman: My identity: or what does culture have to do with it?

Advisor/tutor: Bassam el Baronii
Arnhem, July 2015


According to Raymond Williams culture is variously defined as a “standard of perfection, a bit of the mind, the arts, general intellectual development, a whole way of life, signifying system, a structure of feeling, the interrelation of elements in a way of life” and so on. In order to come to terms with myself in relation to the particular set of circumstances and conditions that are shaping my art, my mind, and my life since I left Afghanistan to embark on my studies at the Dutch Art Institute almost two years ago, I have written this paper as a response to recurrent voices in my head, an internal dialogue that is more artistic, if you like, than it is theoretical. These voices are not questions in the traditional sense but queries that I might never be able to figure out, struggles, pains but also joys as I shift, adapt, but still feel confused sometimes, these voices inspire me to become who I want to be as an artist.