Marie-Andrée Pellerin

Marie-Andrée Pellerin (DAI, 2015) is an artist from Montreal (CA) currently based in Linz, Austria. Her artistic practice deals with different language-related themes such as: political speech, science fiction literature, words’ acoustics and linguistic worlds, mostly through video and sound installations and performances. Since 2017 she is a phd researcher at the Kunstuniversität Linz in the department of Art and Cultural Studies. Her research focuses on feminist science fiction in relation with the concepts of language fluidity and nomadic subjectivities.
Marie-Andrée is also involved in the artist-run space bb15 in Linz, and is currently a guest lecturer at the Kunstuniversität in the Department Time-based Media. Her work was presented in different art venues such as the Kunstforum in Vienna, D21 Kunstraum in Leipzig and Studio XX in Montreal. She was hosted in residency in several locations, including BPS22 Museum in Belgium and the Center for Contemporary Art in Glasgow.

Learn more about Marie-Andrée Pellerin’s 20 minute presentation Sometimes Unmaking Leads to Something (Breaking Carefully) for Do The Right Thing! - DAI's 3 day performance lecture marathon, July 2015

Learn more about Marie-Andrée Pellerin’s written MA thesis (DAI, 2015): The Failed Attempt to Get Rid of the Art Object ~ What's Going On In The Magma Chamber?

Follow Marie-Andrée’s "Life after DAI" via her website and Instagram