X-on at Something Raw festival 2012 / Ivo Dimchev, Franz West: performance with Yen Yi-tzu (DAI, 2011) a.o. at the Brakke Grond

| tag: Amsterdam

Dear friend,

This is Its (Yen Yi-tzu) , I would like to invite you to come to see the performance "X-on".
I participate in "X-on" as a performer, this is the work by the Bulgarian choreographer Ivo Dimchev in collaboration with the Austrian visual artist Franz West.
"X-on" is going to present on 14th and 15th of February, 2012 at Brakkegrond, Amsterdam during Something Raw festival 2012.

*for further information please check:



Wish you have nice winter time :)
All the best,

Yen Yi-tzu is an alumna of the DAI