Felix Bahret ~ Keywords: casual, fwb, ons, foreplay, sensual, threesome, moresome, kink, pegging, texting

Felix Bahret is a stone mason and sculptor based in Brussels. After three years of apprenticeship at the Cathedral Workshop in Freiburg, he took up studies at the Slade School of Art (University College London). His scultpural practice is rooted in the traditional carving techniques further developed on various restoration sites across Western Europe. This professional embeddedness in conservation has led him to conceive of culture's critical role in the reproduction of forms of subjugation on the grounds of “Man's” assumed, self-identical, impartiality. In his language driven, performatively enacted research, Bahret is interrogating how memory is both afforded by, and works to enable, an epistemology steeped in violence, tasking himself to locate his voice within the stratifications of empire's libidinal economy rather than external to it.


Learn more aboutFelix Bahret's 20 minute performance Amnesia Haze for 'tuttə (le) rottə - all (the) ways: unfixed' ~ DAI's Aeroponic Acts 2022 at Centrale Fies in Italy. 

Learn more about Felix Bahret's written MA thesis (DAI, 2022): Sourcing Comfort, or, the Fetish-Fetish: Frantz Fanon’s Unmasking of the White Psyche

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