Anna Kooi

Anna Kooi (1995) is an Amsterdam-based rural sociologist, food artist and chef. Her work interconnects food theory with food practices by integrating gastronomy with academia and the arts, focusing on the manifestation and potential transformation of intersectional identities through food. As an ethnographer, Anna studies the potential of artistic practices to incubate food networks that can strengthen rather than undermine socio-environmental justice. For the past 2 years, she has been co-creating a kitchen and biolcultural living archive in Amsterdam New-West as part of participatory art collective Cascoland (CASCOCONSERVEN, PROEFKAS, LAB&KITCHEN). She is part of CoLaboratory Kitchen (Mexico), the Slow Food Youth Network, Food Council MRA, Taste Before You Waste and Food100. Currently, Anna works as a freelance chef for DROOG and 't Kleinkookbedrijf. Additionally, she is following an MA in Philosophy at the University of Amsterdam and a preparatory PhD-trayectory in Rural Sociology at Wageningen University.