"A further reactionary element of this war is that it is being constituted in terms of biologistic, binary identities and the reactionary identity politics of authoritarian populism on both Russian and Ukrainian sides. Claims of a homogenous people, a fatherland, a nation necessarily require the unambiguousness of two genders: a masculinity that fights to death for the fatherland on the one hand and women responsible for the reproduction of the nation on the other." Find the link to Isabell Lorey's brilliant essay "Martial masculinity and authoritarian populism" here, together with other insightful texts collected and published by "transversal web journal: disarm*"


Demobilization, demilitarization, disarmament! Fleeing the war, yes, and while fleeing, finding weapons. Not military weapons, not weapons of domination, but weapons of invention, of dissemblages, of queer care. Against war, nationalism and identitarianism, against martial masculinity, heteronormativity and patriarchy, against militarization, armament, and the shift from social to military spending. Written in the first weeks of the Russian invasion into Ukraine, the texts in this issue of transversal call for desertion, full citizenship rights for all refugees, and anti-militarist assemblies, and for military, discursive and media demobilization.



Disertare la Guerra
Aus dem Krieg desertieren
Deserting the War
Desertar de la guerra
Déserter la guerre
Sandro Mezzadra

Kriegerische Männlichkeit und autoritärer Populismus
Martial masculinity and authoritarian populism
Masculinidad marcial y populismo autoritario
Isabell Lorey

Contro la guerra costruiamo un’assemblea europea
Gegen den Krieg. Für eine europäische Versammlung
Against the war, a European assembly
Contra la guerra, construyamos una asamblea europea
Collettivo Euronomade

It is Not a “Ukrainian Issue”: A Letter from a Civil Body on Activism and Cultural Production at War
Dies ist keine „ukrainische Angelegenheit“: Ein Brief über Aktivismus und Kulturproduktion im Krieg
Це не "українське питання". Лист від цивільного тіла про активізм та культурне виробництво на війні
Olexii Kuchanskyi

Wann ist eine Krise eine Krise, wann sind Geflüchtete schutzwürdig?
When is a crisis a crisis, when is a refugee worthy of protection?
¿Cuándo una crisis es una crisis? ¿Cuándo merece protección un* refugiad*?
Monika Mokre

Open Letter on the Withdrawal from the Teach-In on Ukraine
Offener Brief zum Verzicht auf die Teilnahme am Teach-In zur Ukraine
Carta abierta sobre nuestra retirada del teach-in sobre Ucraina
Dmitry Vilensky

Feministinnen in Russland protestieren gegen Putins Krieg
Russia’s Feminists Are in the Streets Protesting Putin’s War
Las feministas de Rusia están en las calles manifestándose contra la guerra
Feminist Anti-War Resistance