"A court just confirmed: To be Dutch is to be white ........" ~ Please, sign the petition to stop ethnic profiling by Dutch border police. #ControlAltDelete

Following a decision by a District Court in The Hague to reject a claim brought by Amnesty Netherlands and a coalition of NGOs and individual claimants that the use of ethnicity in stop and searches by Dutch border police was discriminatory, Amnesty Netherlands’ Director, Dagmar Oudshoorn said:

“Today’s ruling that the Dutch border police can continue to use ethnic profiling not only throws international human rights law out of the window, but also tramples Article 1 of the Dutch constitution.

“By ruling that police can target people based on skin colour and race the court has allowed a practice that is in a clear violation of the prohibition against discrimination to continue. We will appeal this decision.”

Amesty International: https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2021/09/the-netherlands-decision-to-allow-continued-use-of-ethnic-profiling-throws-international-human-rights-law-out-of-the-window/

Aljazeera: https://www.aljazeera.com/opinions/2021/9/29/a-court-just-confirmed-to-be-dutch-is-to-be-white

Please sign the petition at Controle Alt Delete: 
