Rosa Ronsdorf ~ Keywords: rover, dreamer, singer, community builder, romantic, curiosa seeker, adventurer, hut builder, Meduse, underwater explorer, sound collector in a feedbacking archive of (electronic) sounds

Rosa Ronsdorf (1988) is a musician and sound artist. She is a founding member of the art- and sound collective Meduse MagiQ, as well as part of the psychedelic trance duo Spill Gold, the storytelling duo Ada Gadass, and the Sonic Witch Choir. She is fascinated by the endless possibilities of sound, sonic meditations, feminist sound waves, and deep-sea creatures. Her work takes shape in concerts, performances, installations, and publications. Apart from her own practice, she is working on community art projects. 



Learn more about Rosa Ronsdorf's 2 x 20 minute performance ( together with Alexandra Duvekot) Sonic Witch for UNDERSTORY CHANT ~ AEROPONIC Acts 2021, August 2021 in Arnhem. 

Learn more about Rosa Ronsdorf's written MA thesis: The Electronic Tide: Feminist Sound Waves and Archival Feedbacks

Follow Rosa's "Life after DAI" through Instagram