Amy Pekal
Amy Pekal (she/her, b.1993, New York) examines how dominant ideologies shape western culture’s understanding of the natural world. Working between The Netherlands, Poland and New York, she carries a netbag of feminist ontologies, naturecultures and fieldwork as tools to create propositions, environments, and situations that decolonize the dominant dualisms between nature and culture and imagine other ways of working across difference, human, more-than-human, and otherwise.
Her multi-year research: Assembling Ecologies (2020-2024) is conceived as a series of ongoing, situated investigations located at the intersection of nature and culture, Assembling Ecologies proposes a viable alternative of kinships through film, performative texts, and participatory events. The goal of Assembling Ecologies is to engage in experimental fieldwork practices and build relations between unlikely but necessary collaborators that work reorient and build, across difference, environmental identities that evoke repair, care, community and the commons.
Currently Pekal is a member of the Climate Justice Code, a fixed term working group dedicated to the development and implementation of a code of ethics for artists and arts institutions to hold each other accountable towards the values of climate justice. Pekal received her MA in Arts & Society at Utrecht University NL, a Bachelor of Science from Marymount Manhattan College, and a Certificate of Fine Arts from the New York Academy of Art.