DAI-bulletin 2003-2004 number four December 2003

Dear students, mentors,visiting artists & mediators, members of staff and friends
This is the fourth issue of the monthly DAI-bulletin in the academic year 2003 - 2004, informing you about our program, about important dates and events.
Students: please, PRINT THIS TEXT and keep it with you as an extension to your diary.
Alterations and additions to the program will be e-mailed to you .


Private & Public
11 AM in the projectroom: MEETING for all students with the course- director in order to inform you as best as possible about the objective and the procedure of the coming assesments as well as about the programme coming up in 2004 and about some re-adjustements to it that are currently under construction.
This is THE chance to ask questions and/ or to come up with suggestions.

19PM Sinterklaas- evening. A 'hardcore' student-initiative with the collabaration of Hilly Podde and some support of DAI.

8.30 AM Start of assesments ( schedule and requirements are provided in an other e-mail).
Presence of all students of both private and public is mandatory.
Mentors Jos Kruit, Rik Fernhout and W.J. Heymans will be present as listeners. Debra Solomon had to sign out because she will be representing DAI at a conference and workshop in India.
Moderator: Gabriëlle Schleijpen
Today the presentations by students at DAI-public will be critically reviewed by a board of independent professionals :
-Marja Bosma, art critic, curator (connected to the Centraal Museum in Utrecht) and art historian, currently working on a dissertation on the Dutch painter Charley Toorop.
-Jan van de Pavert, acclaimed artist with a keen interest in architecture . Since 1984 he participated in more than 75 national and international shows.Currently he is invited to work out a proposal for the re-styling of the campus of the UT in Enschede.
- Tom van Gestel, director of SKOR ( foundation for art in public space , see www.skor.nl)

8.30 AM Continuation of assesments ( schedule and requirements are provided in an other e-mail).
Presence of all students of both private and public is mandatory.
Mentors Jos Kruit, Rik Fernhout and W.J. Heymans will be present as listeners. Debra Solomon had to sign out because she will be representing DAI at a conference and workshop in India.
Moderator: Gabriëlle Schleijpen
Today the presentations by students at DAI-private will be critically reviewed by a board of independent professionals :
-Marja Bosma,see Tuesday.
-Jan van de Pavert, see Tuesday.
- Florian Göttke , installation-artist & curator who obtained his masters at the Sandberg Institute and landed up in some sort of a well deserved 'Blitz- career' since then.


13AM MEETING in the projectroom for all students at DAI.
An evaluation in writing of your progress at DAI by the mentors and the course director will be handed out to you. Students who started at DAI this September will receive studypoints over the first 3 months of their study. ( Information about studypoints will be provided during the meeting of December 4).
14 AM Students are welcome to present proposals for the DAI-exhibition in the Hoftoren in the Hague.
DAI invited Mrs. Tonny Holtrust, director of all the Artez Institutes (3 bachelors and 4 postgraduate courses) for Visual Arts and our contact with the Ministry   of Education (housed in the Hoftoren)
More detailed information on the Hoftorenproject will be provided in a separate mail.
14.30 AM Students are invited to present proposals for the project in Kunsthuis Syb that will have its kick off in the second week of January 2004.
Two collaborators of Kunsthuis Syb will be present to participate in the jury together with the mentors. One proposal ( including an estimation of costs) will be chosen today.
15.00 AM Let's drink to a happy and productive second part of the academic year in wich DAI's students will continue to intensely research Art's neverending possibilities for private and public progress an DAI is leaving on a slow boat to China !

TAKE NOTICE : DAI's programme restarts in week 2 in 2004 .Thursday 8 and Friday 9 your mentors and guestlecturer Ulay (artist working with photography and performance (for the last especially known from his former collabarations with Marina Abramovic.See : www. ulay.net ) will pay studiovisits to students at DAI private. Students at DAI public are kindly invited to apply with Gabriëlle if they want to meet Ulay in their studio as well.