DAI-bulletin 2003-2004 number one September 2003

Dear students, mentors,visiting artists, members of staff and friends
This is the first issue of the monthly DAI-bulletin in the new academic year, informing you about our program, about important dates and events.
(Students: please, PRINT THIS TEXT and keep it with you as an extension to your diary. You don't have to read it at once, read it when applicable.
Alterations in the program will be e-mailed to you. So please read your e-mails every day and take good notice of the differences in the programmes of DAI private and DAI public.)


12.00 Private & Public
Gabriëlle Schleijpen, course director of DAI welcomes new and old students and tries to answer your questions about the programme.

11.00 Private & Public
Meeting in the Cantina
Hilly Podde will take the new students (especially those who just arrived from abroad) on a tour through the Campus and Enschede. First by bike then later on (14.30) by bus. Instructions on all things Dutch.

12.00 Private
Meeting in the former exhibition space now called the Projectroom.
Jos Kruit and Rik Fernhout welcome all students at DAI private.
You are all (last year's students as well as the new ones) kindly requested to do a short presentation (10 minutes) on your work in order to make yourselves 'known' to each other. A beamer and computer as well as a slide-projector will be available for this purpose. There will be plenty of time to talk about your motives and whereabouts till now, to ask questions to each other and to discus new projects you have in mind.

11.00 Public
John Heymans welcomes all students at DAI public in the Cantina.
He will give a short introduction to some aspects of the programme and will later on take you to the faculty 'Informatica' at the TKI (Language, Knowledge and Interaction) department of the University of Twente, where they, among more, specialise in Human-Computer Interaction. Professor Anton Nijholt will receive the students.
TAKE NOTICE 16.00 Tea in the Cantina for the following DAI- public students:
Davide di Saro, Ana Fernandez, Rongman Hong, Kristy Trinier, Shih-Ying Lin and Dilys Leong.
They will participate in the A4-project every friday till January 2004.
Debra Solomon will explain the procedure and help them to get involved as soon as possible.

Private & Public
8.00 SHARP!!
Departure by bus from the Dutch Art Institute to the Insel Hombroich foundation near the city of Neuss. The rather romantic Insel Hombroich concept was developped by a private artlover who wanted to present his art collection (from traditional budhist sculpture to modernist masterpieces) 'parallel' to nature.
The result: a wonderfull semi-wild landscape park in wich one can wander for hours, popping in and out several bigger and smaller dwellings that lay scattered over the vaste terrain.
Feel the spirit of Rudolf Steiner, especially apparent during lunchtime in the restaurant. Heavy brown bread and ecologically grown fruits are presented to all visitors. The bright and articulate paintings of the Dutch modernist van der Leck may be capable to serve as an antidote in case you feel somewhat overwhelmed by too much heavy German stuff.
After the visit to the Insel Hombroich the bus will take everybody to the Landschaftspark Duisburg Nord where at the beginning of this century, August Thyssen founded his iron- and steel imperium. Today part of the area has been given back to nature. But the current park includes many former steelworks and other industrial remains, now declared monuments.
The youthhostel that will accomodate the group is based in this park as is the restaurant the "Hauptschalthaus" where diner will be served at half past 7.

Private & Public
A bustour with guide Andreas Rickenbrock along several highlights of what is called "die Route der Industrie Kultur" in the Germany's economical center, the Ruhrgebiet. Instead of considering the industrial heritage of this area as an undesired symbol of uglyness, suffering of the working classes or pollution, many old buildings are now recognized as architectural and historical landmarks. Some of them are completely restyled by artists and designers and now play a new, vibrant role in the culture of the area and have become public darlings. At the end of the day the bus returns to Enschede.

10.00 Meeting A4-participants in the Projectroom at DAI
Students from EMLA, the Academie van Bouwkunde and the first six participants from Dai (see Tuesday) and the participating tutors from the three institutes gather for an intensive brainstorm session.

The Parasites Project
SKOR (Foundation for Art in Public Space) invited all postgraduate Art Institutes in the Netherlands to explore the largest VINEX-location in the Netherlands.
5 Public students are going to camp in the Parasites (made by various artists) at Leidsche Rijn in the province of Utrecht.
DAI invited the artists Hewald Jongenelis and Sylvie Zijlmans to work out an assignment for all DAI public students that relates to the site and the specific circumstances. The group will meet them on one of these days at Leidsche Rijn (you will be informed about this meeting as soon as possible)

6 public students participate at the A4-project with Debra Solomon.

The Parasites Project
SKOR (Foundation for Art in Public Space) invited all postgraduate Art Institutes in the Netherlands to explore the largest VINEX-location in the Netherlands.
On MONDAY 22,TUESDAY 23,WEDNESDAY 24 and THURSDAY 25 10 Public students are going to camp in the Parasites (made by various artists) at Leidsche Rijn in the province of Utrecht.
DAI invited the artists Hewald Jongenelis and Sylvie Zijlmans to work out an assignment for all DAI public students that relates to the site and the specific circumstances. The group will meet them on one of these days at Leidsche Rijn (you will be informed about this as soon as possible)

6 public students participate at the A4-project with Debra Solomon.