DAI-bulletin 2006-2007 number four December 2006

This is the fourth issue of the monthly DAI-bulletin in the academic year 2006-2007, informing you about our program, and about important dates and events concerning students and alumni.

Students: please, PRINT THIS TEXT and keep it with you as an extension to your diary.
Alterations and additions to the program will be e-mailed to you.

DAI PROGRAMME December 2006

Week 51

Monday December 18
Tiong Ang will be present at 10.30 to do studiovisits with:
Iris Tenkink, Paula Bugni, Sónia Ribeiro, Kriistina Koskentola, Rana Hamadeh and Maciej Duchowski.

Seminar 'Understanding Mediatheory' by John Heymans for all first year students.

18.30 Dinner in the canteen for all.

19.30-21.30 meeting in the projectroom participants IN BETWEEN SPACE with Florian Göttke

Tuesday December 19
Individual presentations by 8 DAI-students in the presence of external experts:
- Thomas Peutz, director of the Smart Project space in Amsterdam
- Issa Touma, photographer and director of Le Pont Gallery in Aleppo, Syria.

10.30-11.00 Introduction
Lecture presentations:
11.00-11.45 Astrid van Peet
11:45-12.30 Paula Bugni
12:30-13.15 Machteld Aardse
Lunch break
13:45-14.30 Adamantia Nika
14:30-15.15 Jae-Min Kim
15:15-16.00 Kamila Szejnoch
16.00-16.45 Nikos Doulos
16.45-17.30 Tatia Skhirtladze

18.30 Dinner in the canteen for all.

Wednesday December 20
Individual presentations by 8 DAI-students in the presence of external experts:
- Ellen de Bruyne, gallerist Ellen de Bruyne projects in Amsterdam
- Paul Perry, artist.
10.30-11.00 Introduction
Lecture presentations:
11.00-11.45 Jolanda Jansen
11:45-12.30 Dagmar Kriegesmann
12:30-13.15 Iris Tenkink
Lunch break
13:45-14.30 Anna Korteweg
14:30-15.15 Chris Meighan
15:15-16.00 Rana Hamadeh
16.00-16.45 Kevin Drager
16.45-17.30 Kristiina Koskentola
18.30 Dinner in the canteen for all.

Thursday December 21
Individual presentations by 7 DAI-students in the presence of external experts:
- Vesna Madzoski, independent curator recently involved in Beauty Unrealized by artist run Public Space With a Roof in Amsterdam.
- Jeroen van Westen, artist.
10.30-11.00 Introduction
Lecture presentations:
11.00-11.45 Daniëlle Davidson
11.45-12.30 Maciej Duchowski
12.30-13.15 Emily Williams
Lunch break
13.45-14.30 Bani Bannwart
14.30-15.15 Meiyu Tao
15.15-16.00 Pavlina Verouki
16.00-16.45 Julien Grossmann

18.00 Christmas dinner in the canteen for all.

Friday December 22

Meeting for all participants in Here as the Center of the World Khartoum with Hester Oerlemans, Lucy Cotter and Alite Thijsen in Lucy's house in Amsterdam.
You will be informed about the time later.

There is no further programme today.


News on alumni and/or current students and/or lecturers
(You are all most welcome to send in your announcements).
Weekend of the 9th and 10th of December:
S5 - Hersenspinsels (Chimeras, Concoctions).
S5 is a meeting place for artists, scholars and other people interested in the inbetweens of art and science. The first issue of S5 will be dedicated to art and brains. With performances by artists Toine Horvers, Krien Clevis, Remko Scha & Arthur Elsenaar, Der Wexel, Veenfabriek, Eiko & EX PMX a.o. Lectures by Robert Zwijnenberg, Tonnus Oosterhoff and John Heymans, beside DAI-mentor theory also 'Scholar on Stage' in Leiden. And last but not least: a public interview by Heymans with Florian Goettke who tutored the DAI-project Hole in the Brain. In this interview the immediate cause, the approach and the final results of the Hole in the Brain-project will be analysed. The art works of the DAI students, among those of Merijn Bolink, Krien Clevis, Olaf Mooij and others, will be shown at the exhibition Brains Unlimited until the 7th of January 2007.
Weekend and exhibition will take place in Scheltema, Leiden.