CARE of ArtEZ and the Dutch Ministry of Education

Please come back regularly to this page - it will be upated whenever relevant

Questions in regard to regulations and tuition fees (with the exception of the Project Fund which is entirely run by the DAI itself) can only be taken on board by parent institution ArtEZ University of the Arts, more particularly the Student Affairs department. You are however welcome to share your questions about the protocols in place at ArtEZ with the DAI's Care Team - we might be able to offer at least some assistance while navigating the rules and regulations around tuition fees, registration, visa or otherwise. 

- general information 

IATA's Interactive Coronavirus (Covid-19) Travel Regulations Map


Support during Covid-9 at the website of ArtEZ

Students’ essential rights and obligations are defined in the ArtEZ Student Charter.

Covid-19 page of Nuffic (the Dutch organisation for internationalisation in education).

News and updates on the visual art sector by Platform BK.

Het Juridisch Loket for free legal advice in the Netherlands

Guide for international students and artists in the Netherlands, Student Union GRA & Sandberg

- loss of income & struggle to survive;  

 Appeal to the ArtEZ Student Support Fund.

Please note that this newly erected fund is entirely build upon donations, large or small. Everybody who is able to  make a small contribution continues to be more then welcome to chip in:

Compensation for freelancers in the Nethelands : ZZP (self-employed people) can apply for benefits (max. 3 months).

Tax authorities to apply for postponing tax payments in the Netherlands 

- payment of the 2019-2020 tuition fees;

ArtEZ is offering postponement of installments

- study delay and deferal in relation to tuition fees, in a nutshell; 


The Dutch Governement has announced that students who in the period from September 2020 till January 2021 will be obtaining their masters degree in this period (and not before September 1 as was the original plan), is eligible to receive a, one-off return of max 3 months of  their college fees ( € 535 max). To be transferred in January 2021. 

The arrangement includes non-EU passport holders ! They will also be eligible for a compensation of € 535 max. 

For more detailed information keep an eye on the ArtEZ website's Covid-19 pages and updates. 

for EU-passport holders

for NON EU -passport holders

- mental health care 

You can speak confidentially with the ArtEZ student counsellor, who can be reached via the ArtEZ website.

As said: the DAI's Care Team is available to help you to support your case, to help you to make connections, to help you navigate the rules and regulations of ArtEZ (in relation to all topics mentioned above).