Pilar Mata Dupont (DAI, 2016) shares that her video work, Mountain (2015) is available to see online as part of Prototype's Care Packages for one week. Prototype is an experimemtal, independent digital arts and streaming platform.Find it here.

‘Prototype Care Package: A rapid-response series for lockdown’ provides audiences with creative encounters, community and solace during home isolation, and artists with pay and work in the new economic climate.

Weekly, direct to subscribers’ devices, Prototype Care Package delivers new, remixed, re-edited and under-seen works that have fallen off the gallery and festival circuits – ranging from short experimental film, moving image art, video art and the uncategorisable.

Each new work is screened online until it is replaced by the next, and the whole season will be collected and archived on Prototype’s website when the project wraps.


Pilar Mata Dupont