Friday 30 November: Commonism: a “possible new, practice-based ideology of the commons”? Quarterly Study Meeting at Casco Art Institute with the launch of the book Commonism: A New Aesthetics of the Real, with the editors Pascal Gielen and Nico Dockx.

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Commonism: a “possible new, practice-based ideology of the commons”?

Quarterly Study Meeting at Casco Art Institute with the launch of the book Commonism: A New Aesthetics of the Real, with the editors Pascal Gielen and Nico Dockx.
Presented in collaboration with Valiz, and around Casco Art Institute’s study lines “Commonist Aesthetics” and “Language and Dissemination.”
Date: Friday, 30 November 2018
Time: 19:00 – 21:00

What does art do for the commons? Are there particular art forms and aesthetics of the commons? “What artistic strategies and what aesthetics do commoners adopt”? Does the term commonism, as a “possible new, practice-based ideology of the commons,” lay the groundwork for “new aesthetics for the real”? If so, how do words, theory and discursive practice work for the commons and their aesthetics?
The second Study Meeting of Casco Art Institute will delve into the questions that Casco takes on again and again in its “working for the commons” process. Organized with Valiz, an international publisher based in Amsterdam, the session will also mark the launch of the new publication Commonism: A New Aesthetics of the Real, edited by Nico Dockx and Pascal Gielen, and part of Valiz’s renowned Antennae series.
Read more about the book here, and access Casco Art Institute’s previous works online on the “commonist aesthetics” here:

  • “Commoning Aesthetics” (March 2016), a forum as part of the We Are the Time Machines: Time and Tools for Commoning exhibition program.
  • “Commonist Aesthetics” (2015) series and its offshoot “Common Conflicts” published with Open! Platform for Art, Culture, and the Public Domain.