Why Am I Here ? September 15: our partner, the Van Abbemuseum will present the outcome of the grassroots and community-based research program and residency series that is aimed at involving the trans community in the museum. The concept is created and curated by Julius Thissen and Alice Venir and involves artists Mavi Veloso, Olave Basabose and Geo Wyeth.
SymposiumThis project focuses on questions such as: how to make an interest in diversity into something that actually works for diversity? How to not only look and talk about trans people in the museum but to actually listen to them? How to involve us –trans and queer people– and our communities in institutional contexts while keeping a critical eye on the ways in which this inclusion operates?
Why am I here? aims to involve these three talented artists to critically and creatively intervene in the museum and its collection, to question what diversity and inclusivity can, could and should mean.
Why am I here? is made possible with the support of Stichting Vriendinnen & Vrienden van Schorer.
Mavi Veloso (Pacaembu, São Paulo, 1985) is a Brazilian transdisciplinary, visual and performance artist, dancer, actress, singer and songwriter, graphic and web designer currently based in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. As transgender and migrant from South America to Europe, in her productions, Mavi embodies and appropriates transformation process, conflicts and cultural adaptation procedures, as well as fashion, queer, trans and drag queen elements to discusses gender, identity, sexuality, placement and displacement.
Read more here.
Geo Wyeth works with music, performance, installation, and video. Presented at New Museum, Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, TENT (Rotterdam), Showroom MAMA (Rotterdam), MoMA PS1 (Greater New York 2016), LA MoCA, New York Live Arts, The Studio Museum in Harlem, Boston ICA, Kate Werble Gallery, La MaMa Theatre, Human Resources, The Pyramid Club, and Joe’s Pub. They were in residence at the Rijksakademie van beeldende kunsten for the years 2015-2016 in Amsterdam. Geo is currently based between Amsterdam & Rotterdam, NL. Born in 1984 in New York City, and raised in New Jersey.
Read more here.
Olave Basabose (1984, Bujumbura, Burundi) is an artist who works in a variety of media, currently living and working in the Hague. Her works are an investigation into representations of (seemingly) concrete ages and situations as well as depictions and ideas that can only be realized in art. With Plato’s allegory of the cave in mind, her works references post-colonial theory as well as the avant-garde or the post-modern and the left-wing democratic movement as a form of resistance against the logic of the capitalist market system.
Read more here.
The programme is free of charge and includes lunch and drinks. However, registration is necessary through the reservation option above here. This programme is provisional and may be subject to changes.
11:00: Welcome coffee, introduction
11:30 - 13:30: Round table with curators and artists. What does it mean to include the trans community in the museum? Which critical points and obstacles does this desire for inclusion encounter and create?
13:30 - 14:30: Lunch
14:30 - 16:30: Performances and presentation of the artists' work - Olave Basabose, Mavi Veloso, Geo Wyeth
16:30 - 18:00: Open discussions and questions from audience
18:00: Drinks
This event will be held in English.
Van Abbe's events are being photographed and sometimes filmed. Please inform our staff if you are not comfortable with your image being taken.