November 10: the Research Center for Material Culture presents the symposium BODY POLITICS ~ What does it mean for a museum to side-step its own body of knowledge and rethink how these concepts are constructed within the institution?

| tag: Amsterdam

The normative notions of sexual, gendered, and sexual identities pervade ethnographic museums and institutions, as they pervade society. What does it mean for a museum to side-step its own body of knowledge and rethink how these concepts are constructed within the institution? The symposium Body Politics brings a variety of artistic and academic voices together to discuss this question in an intimate setting.
Body Politics is part of the Un/Engendered series of lectures and events where we delve into the multiple meanings and roles of gender in our collections.
The program contains talks by Murat Aydemir, Layal Ftouni and Barby Asante. Maria Guggenbichler, Aynouk Tan and Zinzi Minott execute performances. Hodan Warsame, the symposium’s moderator, will lead the discussions.

19:30     INTRODUCTION | Hodan Warsame
19:35     WELCOME | Wayne Modest
19:40     PERFORMANCE | Maria Guggenbichler and Hodan Warsame
19:55     TALK | by Layal Ftouni

20:10     TALK | by Murat Aydemir
20:25     Q&A | with Layal Ftouni and Murat Aydemir
20:40     PERFORMANCE | Aynouk Tan
20:55     TALK | Barby Asante
21:10     PERFORMANCE | Zinzi Minott
21:30     end of program

November 10, 2017
Time: 19:30 - 21:30
Tropenmuseum, Linnaeusstraat 2, Amsterdam
Language: English

Tickets €8,-
Free entrance with Museumkaart