Ingeborg Entrop (DAI, 2012): sound piece I - II - III - IV is a sonic impression of the contemporary cultural landscape around Groningen during the four seasons. Available on CD from November 19 onward.
Dear friends and colleagues,
Finally! The sound piece I - II - III - IV is available on CD. You are kindly invited to its presentation on November the 19th, 15:30h, in the Rode Zaal, Biotoop, Kerklaan 30, 9751 NN Haren. During this event the piece will be presented once more, starting at 16:00h.
I - II - III - IV gives a sonic impression of the contemporary cultural landscape around Groningen during the four seasons. The composition of the piece loosely follows the score of the (most) famous seasons in Western music, Vivaldi's Le quattro stagioni. The CD includes a publication with two texts, one by historical geographer Wim Ligtendag, on the cultivation history of the area where I made the field recordings, and one by musicologist Rudolf Rasch on the history of nature sound imitation in Western music.
Hope to see you at the 19th!
Kind regards,
De production of the cd was kindly supported by the Mondriaan Fund.