The Open Call for EVA International 2018 curated by Inti Guerrero can be taken as a call to respond to "the current state."
Image: The Lodge at Doonbeg Golf Club (subsequently Trump International Golf Links and Hotel Ireland).
The Open Call for EVA International 2018 curated by Inti Guerrero can be taken as a call to respond to "the current state." This could be a reflection on the current state of your work, the current state of government, the current state of your family, the current state of art history, the current state of politics, the current state of your illness, the current state of religion, or a reflection on how the state of today reminds you of the state of yesterday. The online application process is now open and closes at 5pm (GMT) on Tuesday, January 31 2017. A reduced handling fee of €10 applies on or before that date. Selected artists will receive artist fees and production budgets as appropriate. The Open Call is also available in Français and Español.