Vandaler Forening (co-founded by Hanan Benammar (DAI, 2015)) announces open call for AIR Oslo residency ~ Deadline 1st of March 2016
AIR Oslo is open to all disciplines within the art field (artists, writers, curators, musicians, composers, etc.) Each residency will have a duration of 1 week to 3 weeks.
The residency is located in a wooden house in the center of Oslo, surrounded by a small garden. For artists living in Oslo, you are welcome to apply for the project space (living room). We are open to contributions and proposals from all fringes.
No need to send a CV, bio, letter of invitation or visual documentation. We will primarily pay attention to your text and contact you in case we would need more info. Send your project description to: More info at
Vandaler Forening - a space for performative, collaborative, experimental and time-based practices - is an artist run space located in Oslo, Norway. The founding group consists of Hanan Benammar, Mattias Cantzler and a bunch of friends and strangers. We aim to organize events, happenings and non-eventful moments; give a chance to poetical attempts, experimentation and chaos.
Friday, 26th of February, 19:30hrs : we are welcoming "Ill", the winner of From Dusk till Dawn art prize. Ill (Markus Dvergastein, Bjørnar Steinnes Luteberget, Øyvind Mellbye, Tom Nærland) is an audiovisual and anti-fascist noise project started in 2013 in Oslo. While desperately seeking to balance real-time graphics with analog and digital audio, Ill simultaneously aims to challenge the perception of their own bodies and their submission to structures of authority (material, social, spiritual).
From Dusk Till Dawn Art Prize - in collaboration with Pnek - aims to recompense each year one particularly meriting art work presented during the Winter Solstice night exhibition. We aim to support and encourage experimental and time-based practices that take the challenge to keep us awake and focused till sunrise, stretching the darkness of the longest night of the year into a state of dream, utopia and poetry.
Hovinveien 10, 0576 Oslo