The Newton Project / proposals for a Newton Monument to the University of Twente / commisioned by students of the Faculty of Engineering Technology / co-ordinated and tutored for DAI by Florian Göttke

tag: Enschede

Why does anyone need to measure the weight of leaves or heavy rain falling on the ground? Is there a practical aspect in this?

'Scale' is an art work, aiming to pose questions rather then provide answers.
'Scale' attempts to emphasize the beauty of observation, using technology to awaken it.

'Scale' is an outdoor installation aiming to emphasize poetry found in nature, through the law of gravitation.
Nikos Doulos proposed the construction of four metal scales around the four main trees in the entrance of the Horst Gebouw. The scales will weigh all light objects falling onto the ground (leaves, branches, rain, etc.). 


Since 1998 the Dutch Art Institute is housed on the campus of the University of Twente next to faculties like Organisational Psychology, Applied Mathematics or Advanced Technology, with fascinating areas of research with potentially a huge impact on all our daily lives. It is a pity that there is hardly any contact to these faculties and that so little we know about their studies.
When three students of the Faculty of Engineering Technology, Remco, Jeroen and Gerwin came to the Dutch Art Institute with the desire for an artwork representing their field of study, we were happy to take this as an opportunity to enter a collaboration to develop an artwork. We found equally enthousiastic reactions and generous support from the Adviescomissie Beeldende Kunst of the University of Twente.

In the course of the project, through the talks, the presentation of ideas and discussion of plans, both parties, got a better understanding of each other’s positions and frames of reference. It was a fruitful process that will hopefully find its continuation in the realization of one of the proposals.

Florian Göttke, mentor DAI Public at the Dutch Art Institute

A couple of years ago we, that is three students in the Department of Engineering Technology, realized that art is very visible at the University of Twente, but we found that the connection with the technical subjects the students and teachers deal with is hardly ever present. This is the reason we started this project: to realize a work of art with a technical character in our direct environment, the Horst building.

As a theme for the art project, we chose the life and work of Sir Isaac Newton. He was the founder of the field of mechanics and of the modern technological and mathematical theories that our field of study is based upon. He described nature in laws so that we can do calculations with it. We felt, that the versatility of his person and his work would provide a broad basis for the development of an artwork.
An artwork that we envisioned to be both artistically exciting and technically sound. To achieve that, we sought to combine the strength of both technical and artistic students and we offered our knowledge and expertise to the students of the DAI in the development of the proposals.
In this publication and in the presentation currently shown in the Horst building, you will find 10 proposals for an artwork about Sir Isaac Newton.

For the next step, the selection of one proposal and the realization of the artwork, we are looking for a much broader support of the student body and the staff of our department. We ask all our fellow students to contribute, with opinions and ideas, active involvement and constructive discussion.

Remco Brantjes, Jeroen Jansen, Gerwin Schimmel,
initiators of the Newton Project and students of the faculty of Department of Engineering Technology


link to website