OUTSIDE ACADEMY at 'STROOM': final presentations masterclasses: preemption, politics, alternatives

| tag: The Hague


- Keynote lecture by Cynthia Weber

- Screening "I Am An American"

Friday 10 January 2014, 1-5 pm
Location: Stroom Den Haag, Hogewal 1-9, The Hague
Entrance fee: € 7,50 (students € 5), incl. food and drinks after the event
Curator: Brigitte van der Sande
Moderator: Natasja van den Berg
Language: English

On 9/11 the world shook when two airplanes slammed into the financial center of the most powerful nation in the world. Bush declared the 'War on Terror', and since then governments world-wide are trying to develop scenarios that have a pre-emptive or 'anticipatory' logic in order to prevent possible future threats. In the meantime a technological infrastructure is being built, that has a far-reaching impact on our daily lives. Over the past few months political scientists Marieke de Goede and Floris Vermeulen of the University of Amsterdam led a number of masterclasses dedicated to the development of alternatives for these speculative security policies that raise many political issues. The participating students and PhD candidates of the University of Amsterdam / Political Science Department (NWO-Vidi European Security Culture project); Dutch Art Institute / MFA ArtEZ, Arnhem ; Netherlands Defence Academy and interns of HiiL - innovating justice (advisory and research institute for the justice sector) will discuss these topics with the audience. Read more about the masterclasses.

The afternoon will be concluded with a lecture by Cynthia Weber (professor of International Relations at the University of Sussex, UK) and a screening of I Am An American: Video Portraits of Unsafe US Citizens, a response to a post-9/11 television advertizing campaign. Read more...

More info and reservations: www.stroom.nl