Zoé Couppé ~ LE DON DES LARMES cyring on stage
Thesis Supervisor: Mayra A.Rodríguez Castro
Thesis: LE DON DES LARMES cyring on stage
June 2024
Through Life, Memory, Writing and the Tears.
What does it mean to write, to listen as you write, to live as you listen, to write as you speak, and to have a voice while you write yourself. The voice is lost at the end of life, and at the end of love, how to regain it then. There is always more to hear in the folds, and we have to keep our ears open. From speech to song, from whisper to cry, the thesis explores where the voice appears and disappears.
If the theory is a stage, what does it mean to bring emotions on stage? What is happening backstage? Who is present and who is missing on the stage? The chronology of the thesis starts with 26-year-old Zoé, but it goes back to when she was very young, and because of that, highlights the importance of geography in this essay. The memories of where she lived, and past events unfolding are elements essential to identifying where the voice is coming from. She is reflecting on the task of writing, and motions of thoughts between the impossibility of writing and the impossibility of not writing. Looking at her tears, received as a don (gift), both a blessing and a curse, and wonders if she has inherited tears that are not hers?
Author: Zoé Couppé