We are excited to share an announcement from the part of our amazing alumn Gamze Öztürk (Dai, 2024): Computer Says “Home”: A Fabric of Homes ~ an interactive installation and live performance ~ shares experiences of “home” between performers and audience! So nice to see incoming DAI student Rana Kelleci (Dai, 2026) among the names of the performers. Join Phall & Ğäliä [Ronald Bal and Gamze Öztürk ] on the 27th till the 29th September 2024 at "Het Slotervaart".

| tag: Amsterdam

"Conversations will be stitched together during the exhibition, which creates a growing

installation. The project combines the bureaucratic alienation - the papieren werkelijkheid -

and the lived experiences of home. By doing so, we represent the relation of art and place,

in temporary social networks coming to visit the venue.

Our duo art project was developed at Stanly Hall Theater, organized by Future Rituals in

London in 2024.

We are Phall & Ğäliä and at the core of our artistic journey is a dialogue between color and

frame, space and movement, which we have been creating since the pandemic. From April

2020 we were not allowed to meet each other because of the Corona pandemic

regulations in Turkey and the Netherlands. In our online calls, we decided to commit to

love and touch, as resistance to bureaucratic definitions that alienate rather than define us.

In our work, the performative element plays a central role in creating narrative structures

for live performances and site-specific installations."


Phall & Ğäliä

Steef Kersbergen

Aoife Mc Donnell

Nesma Monawer

Rana Kelleci 

Mar Estaban Martin

Natsumi Sakai

BIG ART 2024!

About Gamze Özturk