Rex Collins ~ Keywords: queer intimacy, eroticism, performance, liquids, textures, trans experience, poetry, materials, faggots, dykes, wigs and heels 

Rex Collins [they/them] is an artist currently based in Amsterdam. Their artistic practice using installation, image, performance and text, centers around in-betweenness and intimacy through a critical queer/trans lens. The work incorporates elements of drag, pop culture, and unconventional materials. Rex directs the audience’s attention to the often overlooked experiences of trans fantasy. A meditation on the everyday dynamics of the body, their relationships, and broader social contexts.
Rex’s recent works, “STRAPPED” (2024), “Post Genital Cuntiness” (2023), "By the Grace of White Powder” (2021)/ “Wild Horses” (2023) and 'The Sweet Un-comfortability” (2022), were featured at Sexyland World Amsterdam (2022), Poing Rotterdam (2022), and Parade Theater Festival Amsterdam (2023), De Sloot (2023), Bar Bario Expo (2024), Vleeshal Middelburg (DAI Kitchen May 2024) and Centrale Fies ( AEROPONIC ACTS 2024). They have also worked with Casco Art Institute (Utrecht NL) and Archive (Milan/Berlin) while attending the Dutch Art Institute's MA program.

Learn more about Rex Collin's 20 minute performance STRAPPED for Chameleon Orbit ~ DAI's Aeroponic Acts 2024 at Centrale Fies in Italy. 

Learn more about Rex Collin's written MA thesis (DAI, 2024): coming soon