2023 - 2024 Factory ~ Student Led: Collective spiral, bellies full of memory

MARCH 4, 2024

Led by Alkmini Gkousiari & Tuba Kılıç

When: 17:00 - 19:00

Location: TBA

During this student led we will come together and use our hands to prepare a big spiral of börek/pita/pie. This will act as a space to share the process of making the pie together and allow for conversation around recipes and memories of collective and generational cooking knowledge to unravel.

We want to facilitate an environment to trigger food memory and embodied knowledge. This is not about making the perfect, traditional börek/pie but about keeping the process and the symbolism behind it activated, finding ways to continue these forms of nurturing memory.

During this student led we aim to re-think the ways we can continue these traditions as a means to engage with our own history and global history. How can we relate and engage with the socio-political context of food?

This will be a very informal process that we hope encourages each other to open these subjects as well as sharing recipes and cooking processes that are significant culturally and personally.

We will share the pie and recipe with the participants at the end of the student-led and encourage participants to donate 1 euro that will go towards materials.


This student initiative is facilitated by DAI by making it part of the syllabus 2023-2024 and by providing space and time for gathering. It is embedded in the curriculum component WEAVER and participation is credited with ECTS.