Kitchen | AEROPONIC ACTS ~ formal framework | EER 2023-2024


During their two year study trajectory,  the Kitchen asks every student to take the floor, three times in the context of the Kitchen during the regular Confluences and once for the festive, final wrap-up in a public setting, of the so-called AEROPONIC ACTS.


Students not only invest time and energy in their own four "acts",  presentations, they also attend all Kitchen presentations by their peers and contribute actively to the well being of all involved in the Kitchen, including the guest respondents. Each student will furthermore engage in some scheduled individual feedback or coaching sessions during the two years of study.

1st year:

Contact hours: 142

Self-study: 166

ECTS first year: 11

2nd year:

Self-study: 194

Contact hours: 142       

ECTS second year: 12


The two-year learning curve, including the AEROPONIC ACTS, will be assessed by the Head of Program, carefully weighing the relevance, care, responsibility, resourcefulness, solidarity, creativity and acumen with which a student has managed to make use of this two-year trajectory, with the comments of the various respondents over time, as a highly informative back drop.

The Kitchen is concluded successfully when the student is accredited with at least a ‘satisfactory’.

Evaluation: insufficient, satisfactory, very satisfactory, good, very good, excellent (2nd year students) / Pass or fail (1st year students).

Read more about the Kitchen | AEROPONIC ACTS ~ curatorial framework 2023-2024