Michael Fischer ~ Keywords: stargazing, sonic drift, intangible reality fragments, imaginary landscapes, chaotic networks, mnemonic palace, ecosophy, occult tarology, mana stones, spoken scripture, divine correspondence, itinerancy, esoteric arts, music education

mw (b. 1869) obtained a degree in Media Arts (2018) and Media Culture (2020), before roaming Europe with the DAI (2020-2022). Mw is a rhythomatic tinkerbell, database animal and mystic mole that burrows the back alleys of the Western mind, following invisible threads and links, that make the fabric of stories which concern the modern myth of the self.

Anchored in ideas found in early Christian, hermetic and gnostic that predated Western Esotericism, mw researches how a more than human notion of spirit, soul and body was shaped and embedded by the technological environment of the Capitalocene in deep time. This critique is processed in the artistic approach to map the esoteric ideas embedded in alchemy, astrology and hermetic qabalah, in relation to the occult cartography of tarot.

In their artistic practice, mw works with performances that include different material, such as song-making, tangible objects and visual material that is often created and transmuted in collaboration with others and based on the stories of land and selves as spirits that we encounter not just as individuals, but as more than human beings, interwoven in one web of life.


Learn more about Michael Fischer's 20 minute performance Mnemonic Palaces, Transpositioning Tails and Memory Cards  for 'tuttə (le) rottə - all (the) ways: unfixed' ~ DAI's Aeroponic Acts 2022 at Centrale Fies in Italy. 

Learn more about Michael Fischer's written MA thesis (DAI, 2024): Map for The Self. The Occult Cartography of Tarot