Landing to Bilbao and Bulegoa z/b

Accommodation: Blas de Otero residency, C/Cortes, 38 48003 Bilbo, Bilbao

map Airport to the Residencia Blas Otero

Airport - Bilbao  3€

It connects the airport with Bilbao termibus, with stops on Alameda Recalde 14, Moyua and Gran via.

From airport to Bilbao:

between 6.15 and 00.00, every 15 minutes

From Bilbao to the airport:

they depart from 5.15 to 22.00 every 15 minutes

TAXIS outside the airport. More or less 25 euros to Bilbao. 

As you can see from the map, the bus stop from the airport is Gran via 46
From the bus stop to the Blas de Otero Residence it is about a 15 minute walk.

From the Blas de Otero Residency to Bulegoa:
Bulegoa address:
Solokoetxe 8, 48006