If I Can't Dance I Don't Want To Be Part Of Your Revolution presents Session#4 of Mythologies/Methodologies, a live-streamed series with roundtable conversation ft. Giulia Damiani, Chandra Frank & Ros Murray, moderated by Elize Mazadiego. This last session is intended to bring into focus the intersections of feminist and anti-imperialist/anti-racist struggles. When: 14 November 2020, 16.00-18.30hr

The Mythologies/Methodologies live-stream series concludes with a roundtable gathering, which brings together our presenters of the last three weeks, including Giulia Damiani, Chandra Frank and Ros Murray, for a discussion on performance-based archival research methodologies and their role in (re-)activating collective strategies now. The conversation is moderated by art history scholar Elize Mazadiego whose work on “urban folklore” in the Argentinian context opens up to the global trajectories tracked variously by Damiani, Frank and Murray. In particular, this last session is intended to bring into focus the intersections of feminist and anti-imperialist/anti-racist struggles, which were operative across the geographies explored throughout the series—and are still very much operative today.

Register for the live stream here.

Image: Portraits of Giulia Damiani, Chandra Frank, Elize Mazadiego and Ros Murray (clockwise from top left).

Mythologies/Methodologies is conceived by the If I Can’t Dance curatorial team (Frédérique Bergholtz, Sara Giannini and Megan Hoetger), and is realized in partnership with the Amsterdam School for Heritage, Memory and Material Culture, University of Amsterdam. Live-stream concept and dramaturgy by Megan Hoetger. Production and realization by Lukas Heistinger with audio-visual support from Fan Liao and Temra Pavlovic. Audience moderation by Amalia Calderón and Naomi Collier Broms.