Quo vadis, Democracy? ~ Staat 1–4 by Rimini Protokoll (2016–2018) ~ Haus der Kulturen der Welt
Globalization, lobbyism, digitalization and the fear of terrorism: Rimini Protokoll explores the essence of democracy in four productions. During an interactive museum visit among Ancient Egyptian treasures, the audience enters the web of intelligence agencies. A tour of a staged building site illuminates a Society under Construction. Further searches for traces investigate how the digital influences democratic processes and how business and politics interweave at the World Economic Forum in Davos. |
Top Secret International (Staat 1) Neues Museum, Bodestraße 1–3, 10178 Berlin Society under Construction (Staat 2) Dreaming Collectives: Tapping Sheep (Staat 3) Davos State of the World (Staat 4) |